One of the most important aspects within the accounting and finance department is the level of organization with data management that can be achieved. Employees struggle with hard to access files and unorganized data. According to a study by smallbusiness.com , “63% of small business owners believe office organization correlates to their business’ profitability”. Understanding the best way to accomplish a well organized accounting and finance department begins with picking the proper cloud accounting software for your business. Sage Intacct can provide financial management solutions to help you begin and continue to organize data, finances and your organization. There are multiple ways you can organize data with Sage Intacct.
Easily Report and Analyze Data
Sage Intacct Dimensions offers a new way to organize data. Dimensions are specific bits of information added on a system transaction. These dimensions can clarify important information needed when filtering data in reports and dashboards. Sage Intacct has seven built- in dimensions: location, department, vendor, customer, employee, item and class. The Contracts and Project modules include 3 additional dimensions: Contract, Project, and Task. If more dimensions are needed, create an unlimited number of custom dimensions specific to your business. This customizable financial management tool enables you to add business context to your data, in order to track and report this information easily.
Customize Your Data Visibility
After defining dimensions, it is time to filter the data based on the certain specifications you made. Sage Intacct data filtering allows you to sort data in many different areas and in countless ways. Financial reports can be filtered by any of the dimensions to easily view specified information and track patterns within the data. Sage Intacct Dashboards can also be filtered to show exactly what you want to see, and this filtering can be as simple or as in-depth as you want. For busy executives, Sage Intacct optimizes Dashboards for mobile devices. There are countless ways to use Sage Intacct data filtering and they allow you to gain the visibility and organization your business needs.
An Interactive View of Your Data
One feature of Sage Intacct’s cloud accounting software is called the Interactive Visual Explorer. This is a financial management tool that allows you to easily view any financial data from multiple angles. The views are customizable based on what information you would like to see, as well as interactive and easy to use. This tool can allow the accounting and finance department to easily organize information for analysis and quickly be able to prepare data when needed. It allows you to easily share data in multiple ways including slides, Sage Intacct dashboards, visual boards, spreadsheets and more. This interactive financial management solution is one of the many ways your organization can begin to organize data with Sage Intacct.
Simplify Tracking Your Essential Tasks
Flexible checklists by Sage Intacct are another financial management tool that can help your business keep track of important processes such as audit preparations, onboarding, and the month-end close. Gain visibility into the progress of these tasks a to see if your organization is keeping on track with the timeline and due dates of the processes. You can also set up notification to go out to the accounting and finance department if any changes to the checklist are made or any tasks completed.
Automate Matching Transactions
Manually matching bank transactions can be extremely time consuming and slow down business processes. Sage Intacct created a financial management tool which allows you to set your own customizable rules in order to automatically match transactions. This will save significant time with manual tasks and streamline the reconciliation process for you to close accounts faster.
Staying organized within your company’s accounting and finance department is important. Choosing the correct cloud accounting software will impact how your business is able to stay organized. Sage Intacct offers many financial management solutions that can be tailored to any organization’s need. Beginning to organize data with Sage Intacct will be the first step in reaching your organization’s goals.
CompuData is a proud partner of Sage Intacct and has helped our clients implement Sage products for over 30 years. Email us today to discover how Sage Intacct and CompuData can help your business stay organized.