Move beyond finance to offer strategic insights into all areas of your business.

The Strategic CFO. CFOs in wholesale distribution companies are faced with the Amazon effect and have traditionally focused on negotiating supplier contracts and managing risk but that is changing.

But today, you have a huge opportunity to drive business growth. Since the recession, CFOs have been tasked with managing costs while positioning their companies for future success. During this time, technologies such as automation and cloud analytics have made it possible for you to gain a 360° view of your company and quickly find the data that you need to advise the CEO on the best course of action. Now, CEOs expect big-picture, strategic thinking from you to help drive the business forward.

“75% of CFOs said that their role will become more strategic.”

– 2018 CFO Sentiment Study

In fact, the strategic CFO may have a larger impact on the business than any other executive. According to a study by Forbes and KPMG, 75 percent of CEOs from high-performing companies said that the CFO would become the most important role in the company.

With your strategic guidance, your wholesale distribution company can:

  • Prosper in today’s disruptive market
  • Improve the customer experience
  • Leverage technology for a competitive advantage
  • Maintain or increase margins
  • Minimize risks while moving the company forward

CFOs in wholesale distribution, as a master of handling complexity, they can provide guidance in every area of the business – from technology to operations to the customer experience. This expertise makes them ideally suited for addressing challenges such as changing buyer expectations and the Amazon effect.

By fully understanding the challenges preventing wholesale distributors from achieving financial goals, you can begin to address them – helping you improve your customer experience, gain a competitive advantage, and optimize your cash flow. Click the link below to download our e-book.

Download our eBook now! 

Author: CBIZ CompuData

CBIZ CompuData is the premier technology solutions provider for small and midsize organizations. With over 50 years of experience in delivering innovative technology solutions, we are leaders in Managed Cloud, Accounting/ERP Software, Managed IT and Cybersecurity. We offer holistic technology solutions to enable our clients to scale, protect, and streamline their organizations.